Counseling Categories

Diet, Fatigue recovery,  Digestion, Immune enhancement

Pediatric – Adolescents
Growth, Precocious puberty, Concentration

Preconception care, Postpartum care, Menstrual irregularities,  Women’s health disorders, Menopause

Male menopause, Vitality, Hangover



At Gongjin Pharmacy, we approach dieting with a focus on your overall well-being, steering clear of reliance on potent appetite-suppressing herbal remedies. Instead, we take a personalized approach, delving into your everyday dietary habits to collaboratively identify positive changes alongside our medication.

We understand that solely relying on medication for appetite suppression can lead to dependency, potentially hindering your long-term health goals. Our aim is to empower you to regulate your appetite and embrace a healthier lifestyle through tailored dietary adjustments that align with your body’s needs.

Rest assured, we are committed to considering various factors that influence weight and body management, including hydration levels, sleep quality, activity levels, body composition, stress management, and past experiences with diet medications. By doing so, we pledge to provide you with the most suitable herbal remedy to support your journey towards better health.

At Gongjin, we differentiate between mental and physical fatigue, understanding that each requires tailored attention. However, an essential consideration in our treatment approach is the element of time. Prolonged mental fatigue can manifest as severe physical fatigue, and vice versa. Hence, discerning which aspect you’re experiencing more prominently allows for a more refined medication. Additionally, the duration and severity of fatigue play pivotal roles in determining the appropriate course of action.

While our herbal remedies can certainly aid in alleviating symptoms stemming from both mental and physical fatigue, it’s crucial to address the underlying causes to avoid prolonged reliance on medication. Alongside prescribing medication, we are committed to exploring stress-relief techniques and recommending exercises tailored to your unique constitution. Our goal is to provide comprehensive support, promoting not just symptom alleviation but also long-term well-being.

Digestive discomfort serves as a common entry point for many seeking herbal medicines. In traditional Korean medicine, we recognize a diverse array of terms to describe such discomfort, reflecting the multifaceted approach we take towards digestion. Symptoms like post-meal heaviness, heartburn, belching, bloating, gas, and feeling unsatisfied after meals are all considered crucial indicators.

We also delve into your dietary habits, ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients and exploring any recent onset or longstanding digestive issues. Our aim is to assist everyone experiencing digestive discomfort in fostering a harmonious relationship between food and overall well-being.

  • Individuals who find themselves experiencing respiratory discomfort at the slightest breeze or during periods of poor air quality due to dust and pollution.
  • Those who often find themselves susceptible to colds.
  • Individuals whose immune systems are sensitive to minor fatigue or stress, leading to symptoms like allergies, rhinitis, cystitis, gout, insomnia, and more.
  • People who faced significant illnesses during their childhood or adolescence.
  • Those whose physical condition has undergone changes following childbirth, surgery, or accidents.

It’s essential for individuals in these categories to consider assessing their immune system from its most basic levels. Every small habit in our daily routine contributes to the construction of our immune system, akin to laying down precious bricks one by one. By fortifying our foundation from the ground up, we can cultivate a resilient immune system that remains steadfast even in the face of adversity. We’re here to assist you in this journey toward building a healthier immune system.

Pediatric - Adolescents

At Gongjin Pharmacy, our growth supplement encompasses both aspects of growth: the physical expansion through bone and muscle development, and the internal nurturing of the digestive system for robust health. We understand that nurturing the body internally is as vital as external height growth, especially during the critical growth phase.

During this pivotal period, we take care to assess whether the growth rate is optimal, ensuring a harmonious balance between height increase and weight gain. Additionally, we diligently examine any dietary or lifestyle habits that may impede growth in our children, aiming to provide comprehensive support.

With the increased consumption of carbohydrates and fats, we’ve noticed a faster rate of growth in our children. This trend is particularly concerning among girls, as early menstruation onset may hinder reaching their full genetic height potential, resulting in growth stunting. Furthermore, as puberty progresses, postural changes may cause discomfort.

At Gongjin Pharmacy, our herbal medicines are designed to support puberty occurring at a balanced pace, ensuring it neither occurs too early nor too late, thus aligning with the natural rhythm of growth. We aim to provide professional and warm guidance to address these concerns and support the optimal growth and development of our children.

When experiencing difficulty staying alert while studying, or finding your mind constantly drifting away, we suggest considering herbal supplements that promote mental clarity. These supplements can be valuable aids for high school students as well as individuals preparing for significant exams such as promotion tests or employment assessments. Please feel free to explore this option as part of your study routine. Remember, we’re here to support your success with warmth and professionalism.


Pre-pregnancy herbal supplements are crafted for couples eagerly anticipating the joy of welcoming a new life into their family. These supplements are intended for both mothers and fathers to take together. As part of our approach, we offer personalized guidance to assess dietary habits and lifestyle factors for both partners, aiming to create a nurturing environment conducive to conception and a healthy pregnancy journey. We are committed to supporting you warmly and professionally on your path to parenthood, guiding you seamlessly through conception to childbirth with care and expertise.


  • Individuals who have experienced a miscarriage within the  pregnancy of 8 weeks.
  • Those who often experience bloating, significant weight fluctuations, and residual urine.
  • Individuals with dark circles under their eyes, chronic phlegm, or persistent throat irritation.
  • Those prone to easy bruising, skin sensitivity, or brittle nails.
  • Individuals with thin, brittle, or sparse hair, and fragile nails.
  • Those who frequently feel fatigued due to chronic overexertion.
  • Individuals with habits of alcohol consumption or smoking.


For individuals experiencing the aforementioned symptoms, we highly recommend our support. Alongside our guidance, we offer recommendations for beneficial supplements and nourishing foods to include in your diet. These recommendations aim to support your journey toward parenthood with care and expertise. Take the joyous first steps into parenthood with Gongjin Pharmacy by your side.

During childbirth, a significant portion of a mother’s vital energy(qi) and blood is utilized, which can result in postpartum depletion, particularly for mothers with inherently delicate constitutions. This may lead to the manifestation of various physical discomforts and symptoms.

What role do Gongjin’s postpartum herbal medication serve?


  • After childbirth, it’s essential for the body to expel any remaining blood, tissues, and fluids from the uterus to ensure proper postpartum recovery. Failure to do so may lead to potential complications for the mother. In some instances, the expulsion of these fluids may persist beyond the initial weeks of postpartum, indicating the need for herbal support. 
  • It replenishs essential energy, blood, and nutrients. Postpartum care is crucial for both the mother’s recovery and the well-being of the newborn, who requires significant attention and care. However, many new mothers find it challenging to prioritize their own well-being amidst the demands of caring for their newborn. They may experience inadequate sleep and overexertion. In such cases, Gongjin’s supplements become particularly essential. Rest assured, we offer professional and warm support to ensure both mother and baby receive the care they need during this delicate period.
  • Depending on the mother’s specific circumstances, but generally within 4 to 6 weeks postpartum, all organs, including the uterus, return to their pre-pregnancy state. During this critical period, Gongjin’s postpartum medication play a vital role in promoting optimal uterine contraction, aiding in the mother’s recovery.
  • It’s a common misconception that postpartum herbal supplements lead to weight gain. Quite the opposite, these supplements aid in reducing bloating and facilitating the elimination of unnecessary waste from the body, resulting in a natural and healthy decrease in weight.
  • As postpartum herbal supplements, they don’t disrupt breastfeeding or pose any risk to the baby. By supplying ample nutrients to the mother, we can ensure the delivery of balanced and high-quality nutrients to the baby through breast milk. Our products are designed with both mother and baby’s health in mind, offering professional support throughout the postpartum period.


※ Depending on the delivery method and the mother’s individual experience during childbirth, as well as her postpartum physical condition, the medication needed may vary. 

Since the onset of menstruation, women experience a monthly menstrual cycle, providing insights into the health of their uterus and ovaries. These are some of the several indicators to determine if one’s menstruation is ‘healthy’.


  1. Having a relatively regular menstrual cycle each month is paramount. It serves as an indicator of the body’s biological rhythm functioning smoothly. However, if the menstrual cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days, it often indicates menstrual irregularities, which may require attention to regulate the cycle.
  2. Maintaining a relatively regular menstrual flow is essential. If you experience sudden increases in flow, unexpected menstrual cramps or ovulation pain, or if menstruation doesn’t stop completely but continues in small amounts, Gongjin’s assistance may be beneficial.
  3. Careful observation is also necessary if there’s excessive leukorrhea before or after menstruation, or if menstrual blood clots. Additionally, it’s important to monitor for patterns of vaginal or bladder infections showing when feeling slightly fatigued or stressed.


The uterus, in particular, is sensitive to ‘body temperature’. Excessive consumption of cold foods or beverages, or lifestyle habits that disrupt body temperature regulation, can can lead to the contraction and stiffening of the uterus, as well as the thickening of the blood. Given that dietary habits and posture also play a role in uterine health, adopting a comprehensive approach is essential.

One of the common symptoms experienced during menopause are ‘ sudden hot and cold sensations’. This condition is characterized by abrupt shifts in body temperature, rendering individuals more susceptible to climate changes. This ‘hot and coldness’ not only manifests physically but also emotionally, leading to sudden irritability followed by feelings of depression, akin to riding an emotional roller coaster.

Those affected by ‘hot and coldness’ may also endure facial flushing, insomnia, swelling, and abrupt weight fluctuations. Much like adolescence varies based on each child’s characteristics, menopause also presents slightly different manifestations depending on individual constitutions. If you find yourself experiencing discomfort during menopause, we urge you not to suffer alone but to seek assistance from Gongjin pharmacy.


The male menopause, often overlooked compared to its female counterpart, can leave many men grappling with sudden onset symptoms. It’s noted that over 30% of middle-aged men experience symptoms of male menopause, with some even encountering them as early as their late 30s. Typical symptoms include reduced bone density leading to osteoporosis or arthritis, height loss, sudden abdominal fat accumulation resulting in central obesity despite limb thinning, as well as feelings of depression, fatigue, sudden anger outbursts, and reduced sexual function. Dryness of the body and dissatisfaction with sexual performance can exacerbate feelings of powerlessness.

The duration and severity of male menopause symptoms can vary based on individual dietary and lifestyle habits, alcohol/tobacco use, fatigue levels, and types of medication regularly taken. We also offer personalized dietary recommendations tailored to individual needs, so we warmly encourage you to visit us for a detailed consultation.

For those facing challenges like erectile dysfunction during sexual activity, premature ejaculation even with minimal stimulation, or struggling to achieve natural conception after a year of trying, there are herbal remedies at your disposal. It’s essential to recognize that male sexual stamina is influenced by factors like fatigue, alcohol intake, smoking, and stress. That’s why we believe in tailoring our approach to each individual’s unique circumstances. These remedies aim to fortify kidney function and improve blood circulation in the lower abdomen, taking a comprehensive approach to your well-being. We’re here to provide support and guidance every step of the way, ensuring your comfort and health as are our top priorities.

An herbal remedy ideal for alleviating hangovers is primarily composed of ingredients that promote smooth digestion and aid in the breakdown of alcohol upon ingestion. It can be taken freely before, during, or after drinking sessions. By aiding in the elimination of alcohol toxins through urine, it may cause changes in urine odor not typically present. For individuals who frequently suffer from hangovers, engage in regular alcohol consumption, or are concerned about their liver health, regular use of Gongjin’s herbal medicines for hangover relief, while also maintaining blood health, is recommended.